Best Wine with Thanksgiving Desserts

wine for Thanksgiving

It’s pie season, a dessert most popular for Thanksgiving, and a dessert that leaves many wondering what wine works best with pumpkin, pecan, or mincemeat pies?

Old school home cooks turn to sherry, while most people shy away from this potent wine that conjures memories of housewives sipping from a stash in the cupboard. This year, 2021, seems to be a most significant year to give thanks, most notably for a vaccine that has allowed the world to connect again.

So, as families gather on Thanksgiving to enjoy family time and turkey with all the fixings, dessert can be extra special when paired with our SunWine Kisi Qvevri amber wine. Why? Because its toasty nutty flavors attributed to this Kisi grape’s skin-contact maceration in a clay vessel emits a tannin structure worthy of pairing with the best pecan pie or pumpkin pie — especially if it has a walnut on top.

Kisi Qvevri notes of dried apricot pair well with mincemeat pie, too, but this amber wine also works with sweet potato casserole topped with browned marshmallows, a fan favorite for many. Here’s a recipe by that’s sure to wow your family and guests at the dinner table:

8 average size sweet potatoes
1 tbsp. vanilla
3-5 tbsp. sugar (to taste)
1/2 stick butter
1/4 tsp. cinnamon to taste
1/4 – 1 tsp. nutmeg to taste
1/4 c. orange juice to taste
Marshmallows (lg. or miniature)
Cinnamon sugar (opt.)


Boil (or bake) sweet potatoes until done. Remove peeling from HOT POTATOES and mash well, removing all strings. Add all ingredients but marshmallows and cinnamon sugar; mix well. Spray or grease lightly Pyrex or Corning dish. Put a layer of potatoes, layer of marshmallows until filled. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar for added flavor. Bake about 350 degrees until HOT. Remove from oven and put marshmallows on top. Place again in oven to brown lightly. Serves 10 to 12.You may add 1 cup scalded homogenized milk to potato mixture.

Orange extract may be used instead of orange juice. It is stronger in taste so add carefully to taste.


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Wine is the Georgians’ poetry and their
folklore, their religion and their daily bread

Alice Feiring

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